Welcome to the Quinta Church
The main Quinta Church website is found at www.quintapress.com/QuintaChurch.htm
The Quinta Church (full name the Quinta Independent Evangelical Church) is a Congregational church and associated with the Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches.
Congregational means that the church meeting makes all the churches decisions. There is no higher authority, under Jesus Christ, than the church meeting.
Evangelical means that it believes what the Bible says. There are people who have deliberately or ignorantly tried to redefine what evangelical means and make it only apply to charismatic churches. Charismatic churches may or may not be evangelical. An evangelical church may or may not be charismatic. The Quinta Church IS evangelical and IS NOT charismatic.
If you come and visit us you will find that for some people we are too formal (preaching from the pulpit, singing hymns, from Christian Hymns, 40 minute sermon), and others think we are too informal (chatting before and after the meeting—and in the meeting—members of the congregation sometimes asked to choose hymns).
The Google Maps link below shows exactly where we are and how to get here. The pointer is near to the the Chapel. We are almost opposite the entrance to the Quinta Christian Centre. Unfortunately the map display doesn’t work at the moment, so you need to click the link.